How Far Away Are You God?


My newest book makes a wonderful gift for a young child!




How excited I am to announce my SPRING SPECIAL. You can purchase my two newly published children's books, My Weird 2020 and its sequel, The Adventures of Iola Ziola and Iola doll package for only $25.00. This makes a great gift for some special child!

My Readers

Linda, Therapist

Nothing is more important when life seems very changed and uncertain than to have our experience validated. This book with its delightful illustrations and simple journey through the COVID 19 lock down will lead children to: "YES, I was there!" It opens up a shared exchange for parent and child that could lead to resiliency. As a child therapist, I was blown away by the creativity Dianne Flynn has brought to the book. It will delight the child in every adult and support the survivor in every child.
